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EFT and Hypnosis is helpful
with the following
emotional challenges
Stress, Distress, Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Trauma, Abuse & PTSD
Depression, Insomnia,
Shame, Guilt, Low Self-Esteem
Grief & Bereavement
Love Pain, Fear of Rejection
Fear of Public Speaking and Phobias: fear of flying, snakes, etc.
Addictions: alcohol, drugs, smoking, food, gambling, etc.
Weight Loss/Emotional overeating and Eating disorders
EFT and Hypnosis can be
helpful with the following
physical problems
Chronic Pain
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Back & Neck Pain
Autoimmune Disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Cancer Support
EFT and Hypnosis can be
used to greatly enhance
Intimacy & Relationship Issues
Achieving Goals
Public Speaking
Sales Performance
Sports Performance
Artistic Performance
EFT and Hypnosis can also
be used for
Pet Issues
Ancestral Healing
Pre-birth Trauma
Pre-verbal Trauma
Chakra Clearing
Remove Unknown Blocks
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